
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tip Tuesday/Thursday 2

Hey everyone! We're posting another Tip Tuesday/Thursday today!  So today's theme is nails, so here are my three favorite nail hacks/tips and their links:

1)Thinking about purchasing a matte topcoat? Don't bother! You can do it yourself with something you probably already have. To turn glossy nails matte, you can take a clear topcoat and mix it with a pinch of cornstarch. Then when you paint the topcoat over your nail polish, it creates matte nails.

I also liked the look of these matte grey nails, looks very chic!

Credit for this idea:

2) You can also use another common household item to make nail designs: tape. To do so, paint the tape your desired color and when it dries, cut out your design. I prefer to just do stripes because they are the easiest haha. Then stick the tape design on your nails and finish with a topcoat.

This was a picture tutorial for tape nails stickers done by the beauty department.

Credit for this idea:

3) Lastly, if you're like me and you spill a lot, this will turn out to be quite helpful. If you drop a bottle of nail polish and spill it, pouring sugar over it makes the nail polish clump so you can sweep it up.

This was the picture I found on Pinterest (A link to our interest account if you want to follow :) )
that described this tip. Unfortunately, like many pins on Pinterest it led to a dead link and I could not find credit for this tip but here is the link to the pin:

I also really like this picture because it combines our tips (assuming someone spilled nail polish in the process) and it's a really cute idea! Let us know if you try it!

Thanks so much for reading and I hope you learned something new, or were inspired to do a new style of nails. (Doing my nails right after this) We'll post another one of these on Thursday so stay tuned!
We love you!

Kate & Sarah

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Tip Thursday/ Tuesday


It's Thursday! I am sure you knew that, but I just had a splendid idea for a new blog series!! So, I love finding new beauty&fashion tips and hacks. I was thinking for this new series we should call it Tip Tuesday or Tip Thursday depending on what day it is. So, today it's Thursday and the post will be called Tip Thursday. This whole Tip Tuesday or Thursday series is about Sarah or me posting 3-5 beauty or fashion hacks/tips every Tuesday or Thursday. Sounds fun right?! Let's hope because here goes...

{Beauty hacks/tips}

Tip 1- You can use Vaseline for SO many things!!
You can use it as a(n) eye makeup remover, lip balm, lip scrub base, cuticle lotion, and even as an eyelash conditioner. (It makes your eyelashes really thick.)

Tip 2- When you paint your nails you can stick your wet nails into a bowl of really cold ice water for 2-3 minutes and they will dry.

Tip 3- To make a lacquered lipstick matte put a tissue over your lips, and brush over it with a translucent powder. If you want a 3D effect on your lips brush a bit of shimmery eyeshadow (a shade that almost matches your lipstick) in the center of your lower lip.

Thanks girls! Hope you enjoyed and learned something new...

Kate & Sarah

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

All alone?


Today I come to you with a touchy subject. Now, it's not anything bad, but I just want to address the situation. So let's hop into the post...

Sarah and I love posting, it brings us happiness. As you can see there has not been any posts since April, our only excuse for that is SCHOOL. The last few weeks have been hectic because of exams. Sarah and I have been studying and studying, but now exams are over and school is out!! No more radio silence on the internet world!!

Now as you can see by the title which says All alone, the first part of this post has nothing to do with it. That first paragraph is just an explanation of why we haven't posted in a long time. But, the entire reason of why I'm posting this (btw... This is Kate writing the post) is because we have no followers. Now before I look like a total poop head I want to say I am content right now posting things and having no followers. But, I feel as if there are so many people put there who should see Sarah and I's posts. We work very hard to post things that are creative and like able. Sarah and I have hopes of becoming important and known bloggers. This is the whole reason I am posting this, if you lovely people who look at our blog could spread the word about Wishable blog that would be fantastic. If you need some motivation to do this, I am sure Sarah and I will host a giveaway if we gain followers. But, I am talking a giveaway when we have 100 subscribers or more. So even though Wishable blog has nobody subscribed to them, exactly what I am talking about we are all alone, I am sure we can gain followers!! With our lovely viewers who will hopefully help us!!, Sarah and I's goal is to have 25 subscribers by the end of August! So please help is out, and instead of "wishing" about subscribers we can make our dreams come true and actually have them.


Kate & Sarah